Tuesday, 29 November 2011

What are brushed DC motors?

DC motors are electric motors that run on a direct current and are used in hundreds of everyday electronic items. There are two main types of DC motors; brushed and brushless. In this blog post we take a look at brushed motors.

Brushed motors work by generating torque directly from the supplied DC power. This power is created by stationary magnets and rotating electrical magnets.  With all electric motors or generators, torque is produced since any conductor carrying a current that is placed within an external magnetic field experiences a torque or force. This torque is known as Lorentz force.

Brushed DC motors are fairly cheap and offer a high level of reliability with a simple ability to control the speed of the motor. One of the main disadvantages of brushed motors is that if they are used at a high intensity level then they will have a high need for maintenance and a low life-span. The maintenance involves changing the brushes and springs carrying the electric current on a regular basis as well as the need to clean or replace the commutator because it’s these components that are necessary for transferring the electrical power from outside the motor to the spinning wire windings inside the motor.

Next week we take a look at brushless DC motors.

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